Christopher Taylor Bird Nature Wildlife Mammal Photography
nature photography

Bleating Warbler Picture

bird photography


  • Cape Spurfowl
  • Red-necked Spurfowl
  • Common Quail
  • Helmeted Guineafowl
  • Egyptian Goose
  • African Black Duck
  • Yellow-billed Duck
  • Red-billed Teal
  • Scaly-throated Honeyguide
  • Greater Honeyguide
  • Lesser Honeyguide
  • Brown-backed Honeybird
  • Knysna Woodpecker
  • Cardinal Woodpecker
  • Olive Woodpecker
  • Crowned Hornbill
  • African Hoopoe
  • Green Wood-Hoopoe
  • Narina Trogon
  • European Roller
  • Half-collared Kingfisher
  • Malachite Kingfisher
  • Brown-hooded Kingfisher
  • Giant Kingfisher
  • Pied Kingfisher
  • Speckled Mousebird
  • Red-faced Mousebird
  • Red-chested Cuckoo
  • Black Cuckoo
  • Klaas's Cuckoo
  • African Emerald Cuckoo
  • Diederik Cuckoo
  • Burchell's Coucal
  • Alpine Swift
  • African Black Swift
  • Little Swift
  • Horus Swift
  • White-rumped Swift
  • Knysna Turaco
  • Barn Owl
  • Cape Eagle Owl
  • Spotted Eagle Owl
  • African Wood Owl
  • Fiery-necked Nightjar
  • European Nightjar
  • Rock Dove
  • Speckled Pigeon
  • African Olive Pigeon
  • Lemon Dove
  • Laughing Dove
  • Cape Turtle Dove
  • Red-eyed Dove
  • Emerald-spotted Wood-dove
  • Tambourine Dove
  • Denham's Bustard
  • African Finfoot
  • Buff-spotted Flufftail
  • Striped Flufftail
  • Common Moorhen
  • Red-knobbed Coot
  • Common Whimbrel
  • Marsh Sandpiper
  • Common Greenshank
  • Wood Sandpiper
  • Common Sandpiper
  • Ruddy Turnstone
  • Sanderling
  • Ruff
  • Water Thick-knee
  • Spotted Thick-knee
  • African Black Oystercatcher
  • Black-winged Stilt
  • Grey Plover
  • White-fronted Plover
  • Blacksmith Lapwing
  • Black-winged Lapwing
  • Arctic Skua
  • Kelp Gull
  • Grey-headed Gull
  • Caspian Tern
  • Swift Tern
  • Sandwich Tern
  • Roseate Tern
  • Common Tern
  • Arctic Tern
  • Osprey
  • African Cuckoo Hawk
  • Black-shouldered Kite
  • African Fish Eagle
  • Palmnut Vulture
  • African Marsh Harrier
  • Black Harrier
  • African Harrier-hawk
  • African Goshawk
  • Little Sparrowhawk
  • Rufous-chested Sparrowhawk
  • Black Sparrowhawk
  • Steppe Buzzard
  • Forest Buzzard
  • Jackal Buzzard
  • Black Eagle
  • Booted Eagle
  • Martial Eagle
  • Long-crested Eagle
  • African Crowned Eagle
  • Rock Kestrel
  • Peregrine Falcon
  • Little Grebe
  • Red-tailed Tropicbird
  • Cape Gannet
  • African Darter
  • Reed Cormorant
  • Crowned Cormorant
  • White-breasted Cormorant
  • Cape Cormorant
  • Little Egret
  • Grey Heron
  • Black-headed Heron
  • Purple Heron
  • Cattle Egret
  • Green-backed Heron
  • Black-crowned Night Heron
  • White-backed Night Heron
  • Dwarf Bittern
  • Hamerkop
  • Lesser Flamingo
  • Hadeda Ibis
  • African Sacred Ibis
  • African Spoonbill
  • Great Frigatebird
  • African Penguin
  • Indian Yellow-nosed Albatross
  • Southern Giant Petrel
  • Pintado Petrel
  • Blue Petrel
  • White-chinned Petrel
  • Black-headed Oriole
  • Fork-tailed Drongo
  • Blue-mantled Crested-flycatcher
  • African Paradise-flycatcher
  • Black-backed Puffback
  • Southern Tchagra
  • Southern Boubou
  • Olive Bush-shrike
  • Cape Batis
  • Black Crow
  • Pied Crow
  • White-necked Raven
  • Common Fiscal
  • Grey Cuckoo-shrike
  • Black Cuckoo-shrike
  • Brown-throated Martin
  • Barn Swallow
  • White-throated Swallow
  • Greater Striped Swallow
  • Rock Martin
  • House Martin
  • Black Saw-wing
  • Cape Bulbul
  • Sombre Bulbul
  • Terrestrial Bulbul
  • Cape Grassbird
  • Victorin's Warbler
  • Long-billed Crombec
  • Little Rush-warbler
  • Knysna Warbler
  • Yellow-throated Woodland Warbler
  • Willow Warbler
  • Cape White-eye
  • Grey-backed Cisticola
  • Levaillant's Cisticola
  • Neddicky
  • Karoo Prinia
  • Bar-throated Apalis
  • Bleating Warbler
  • Cape Rock-thrush
  • Olive Thrush
  • Southern Black Flycatcher
  • Fiscal Flycatcher
  • Spotted Flycatcher
  • African Dusky Flycatcher
  • White-starred Robin
  • Cape Robin-chat
  • Chorister Robin-chat
  • White-browed Scrub-robin
  • African Stonechat
  • Red-winged Starling
  • Black-bellied Starling
  • Wattled Starling
  • Common Starling
  • Orange-breasted Sunbird
  • Grey Sunbird
  • Amethyst Sunbird
  • Malachite Sunbird
  • Collared Sunbird
  • Southern Double-collared Sunbird
  • Greater Double-collared Sunbird
  • Cape Sugarbird
  • Cape Weaver
  • Yellow Bishop
  • African Quailfinch
  • Swee Waxbill
  • Common Waxbill
  • African Firefinch
  • Pin-tailed Whydah
  • House Sparrow
  • Southern Grey-headed Sparrow
  • Cape Wagtail
  • Cape Canary
  • Brimstone Canary
  • White-throated Canary
  • Protea Seedeater
  • Streaky-headed Seedeater
  • Cape Siskin
  • Golden-breasted Bunting

  • Typhlops delalandii - Pink Earth Snake
  • Leptotyphlops nigricans - Black Worm Snake
  • Lycodonomorphus rufulus - Brown Water Snake
  • Lamprophis aurora - Aurora Snake
  • Lamprophis inornata - Olive House Snake
  • Boaedon fuliginosus - Brown House Snake
  • Philothamnus hoplogaster - Green Water Snake
  • Philothamnus natalensis - Natal Green Snake
  • Prosymna sundevallii - Southern Shovel-snout
  • Pseudaspis cana - Mole Snake
  • Duberria lutrix - Slug-eater
  • Dasypeltis scabra - Common egg-eater
  • Crotaphopeltis hotamboeia - Red-lipped Snake
  • Amplorhinus multimaculatus - Reed Snake
  • Dispholidus typus - Boomslang
  • Psammophylax rhombeatus - Spotted Grass Snake
  • Psammophis crucifer - Cross-marked Grass Snake
  • Homoroselaps lacteus - Dwarf Garter Snake
  • Hemachatus haemachatus - Rinkhals
  • Naja nivea - Cape Cobra
  • Causus rhombeatus - - Night Adder
  • Bitis arietans - Puff Adder
  • Bitis atropos - Berg Adder
  • Bitis cornuta albanica - Hornsman Adder

External links

  • Cederberg Snakes

Trees, shrubs and lianes
  • Acokanthera oppositifolia
  • Afrocarpus falcatus
  • Allophylus decipiens
  • Andrachne ovalis
  • Apodytes dimidiata
  • Berzelia intermedia
  • Brachylaena glabra
  • Brachylaena neriifolia
  • Brunia nodiflora
  • Buddleja saligna
  • Buddleja salviifolia
  • Burchellia bubalina
  • Calodendrum capense
  • Canthium mundianum
  • Canthium obovatum
  • Canthium pauciflorum
  • Canthium ventosum
  • Capparis sepiaria var. citrifolia
  • Carissa bispinosa
  • Cassine aethopica
  • Cassine eucleaeformis
  • Cassine papillosa
  • Cassine parvifolia
  • Cassine peragua
  • Cassine tetragona
  • Cassinopsis ilicifolia
  • Celtis africana
  • Chionanthus foveolatus subsp. foveolatus
  • Chrysanthemoides monilifera
  • Clausena anisata
  • Clematis brachiata
  • Clutia affinis
  • Colpoon compressum
  • Cunonia capensis
  • Curtisia dentata
  • Cussonia thyrsiflora
  • Cyathea capensis (L.f.) J.E. Sm.
  • Cynanchum ellipticum (Harv.) R.A.Dyer
  • Diospyros dichrophylla
  • Diospyros glabra
  • Diospyros whyteana
  • Dodonaea viscosa var. angustifolia
  • Dovyalis rhamnoides
  • Ekebergia capensis
  • Empleurum unicapsulare (L. f.) Skeels
  • Erica floribunda
  • Euclea polyandra
  • Euclea racemosa
  • Euclea schimperi var. schimperi
  • Euclea undulata
  • Faurea macnaughtonii
  • Ficus burtt-davyi
  • Ficus sur
  • Gnidia denudata
  • Gonioma kamassi
  • Grewia occidentalis
  • Halleria lucida
  • Hartogiella schinoides Codd
  • Heteromorpha arborescens
  • Hippobromus pauciflorus
  • Ilex mitis
  • Kiggelaria africana
  • Lachnostylis hirta
  • Laurophyllus capensis
  • Leucadendron adscendens
  • Leucadendron conicum
  • Leucadendron eucalyptifolium
  • Leucospermum attenuatum
  • Maerua cafra
  • Maerua racemulosa
  • Maytenus acuminata
  • Maytenus heterophylla
  • Maytenus peduncularis
  • Myrica humilis
  • Myrica cordifolia
  • Myrica serrata
  • Nuxia floribunda
  • Ochna arborea
  • Ocotea bullata
  • Olea capensis subsp. capensis
  • Olea capensis subsp. macrocarpa
  • Olea europaea subsp. cuspidata
  • Olea exasperata
  • Olinia cymosa
  • Colpoon compressum Berg.
  • Passerina falcifolia
  • Pittosporum viridiflorum
  • Platylophus trifoliatus
  • Podocarpus latifolius
  • Polygala myrtifolia
  • Protea mundii
  • Protea neriifolia
  • Prunus africana
  • Psoralea pinnata
  • Psychotria capensis
  • Pterocelastrus rostratus
  • Pterocelastrus tricuspidatus
  • Pyrenacantha scandens Planch. ex Harv.
  • Rapanea melanophloeos
  • Rhamnus prinoides
  • Rhoicissus tomentosa
  • Rhus chirindensis
  • Rhus crenata
  • Rhus glauca
  • Rhus longispina
  • Rhus lucida
  • Rhus tomentosa
  • Rhus undulata
  • Rothmannia capensis
  • Salix mucronata subsp. capensis
  • Schefflera umbellifera
  • Scutia myrtina
  • Secamone alpini
  • Schotia afra var. afra
  • Schotia latifolia
  • Scolopia mundii
  • Scolopia zeyheri
  • Sideroxylon inerme
  • Sparmannia africana
  • Strelitzia alba
  • Strychnos decussata
  • Tarchonanthus camphoratus
  • Trichocladus crinitus
  • Trimeria grandifolia
  • Vepris lanceolata
  • Virgilia oroboides
  • Zanthoxylum capense
  • Zanthoxylum davyi

bird photography
All images and video © Copyright 2006-2024 Christopher Taylor, Content and maps by their respective owner. All rights reserved.
nature photography