The Camiguin Hanging-parrot, Loriculus (philippensis) camiguinensis, is a hanging parrot endemic only on the Philippine island of Camiguin, where its habitat is diminishing. The taxonomy of this population of parrots on Camiguin is uncertain.
The Camiguin Hanging-parrot is mostly green with blue throat, face and thighs, and a red tail and red crown. Males and female birds look identical, which is unusual for a hanging parrot native to the Philippines. Only the males of all the other populations living on other islands have a red area on their fronts.
In 2006, the hanging-parrots living on the island of Camiguin, off the northern coast of Mindanao, were described and thought to have a separate identity from the Philippine Hanging Parrot (Loriculus camiguinensis); however, more research and DNA analysis is required to clarify their taxonomy.