The Chattering Lory, Lorius garrulus is a forest-dwelling parrot endemic to North Maluku, Indonesia. It is considered endangered, the main threat being from trapping for the cage-bird trade.
The race flavopalliatus is known as the Yellow-backed Lorikeet.
At Kuala Lumpur Bird Park
Yellow-backed Lorikeets
12 inches (30cm). Glowing, deep red overall. Wings and thighs
brown-green. Front edge of wing and underwing coverts yellow, primaries
grey underneath with reddish band. Uppertail brown-green with blue tips.
Eyes yellowish-brown to red, beak orange, legs charcoal. Immatures have
brown beaks and dark brown irises. No visible means of distinguishing
Forest regions, around flowering coconut and palm trees in pairs (in their
own territories) or flocks. Broods in tree hollows. DIET Nectar and fruit, with greenstuff
and some seed. Supplement with vitamin A to avoid fungal disease candidiasis.
Also provide pollen, a natural for this group.
Bathing facilities (even though they may splash water around
the room). Keep in pairs, temperature not below 50°F (10°C).
Loud voice, imitator, messy eater, tame. May learn to talk. Aggressive
towards other pairs of same species and towards caretaker. Breeding necessary
for preservation of stock. Better suited for aviary than cage. Lays 2
eggs, incubation 24 to 28 days, male sleeps in nest at night, fledging
75 days, male can then be hostile to young.