Location: Los Angeles River (Willow St), CAGPS: 33.8N, -118.2W, elev=7' MAP Date: November 14, 2016 ID : B13K2274 [4896 x 3264]

Location: Ballona Freshwater Marsh, CAGPS: 34.0N, -118.4W, elev=5' MAP Date: January 29, 2019 ID : B13K8021 [4896 x 3264]

Location: Morro Bay, CAGPS: 35.3N, -120.9W, elev=0' MAP Date: March 9, 2008 ID : 5582 [3888 x 2592]
Location: Newport Back Bay, CAGPS: 33.6N, -117.9W, elev=4' MAP Date: February 2, 2008 ID : 3001 [3888 x 2592]

Location: Playa del Rey (Ballona Creek), CAGPS: 34.0N, -118.4W, elev=0' MAP Date: September 16, 2013 ID : B13K4520 [4896 x 3264]

The Cinnamon Teal, Anas cyanoptera, is a small dabbling duck from the Americas.
The adult male has a cinnamon-red head and body with a brown back, a red eye and a dark bill. The adult female has a mottled brown body, a pale brown head, brown eyes and a grey bill and is very similar in appearance to a female Blue-winged Teal.
Their breeding habitat is marshes and ponds in western North and South America. Cinnamon Teal generally select new mates each year. They are migratory and most winter in northern South America and the Caribbean, generally not migrating as far as the Blue-winged Teal. These birds feed by dabbling. They mainly eat plants; their diet may include molluscs and aquatic insects.
Subspecies are:
Anas cyanoptera septentrionalium - Northern Cinnamon Teal
Anas cyanoptera tropica - Tropical Cinnamon Teal
Anas cyanoptera borreroi - Borrero's Cinnamon Teal (possibly extinct)
Anas cyanoptera orinomus - Andean Cinnamon Teal
Anas cyanoptera cyanoptera - Argentine Cinnamon Teal