Christopher Taylor Bird Nature Wildlife Mammal Photography
nature photography

Gray-headed Albatross Photo @
Location: Fortuna Bay, South Georgia
GPS: -54.1S, -36.8W, elev=0' MAP
Date: January 14, 2010
ID : 7C2V0046 [3888 x 2592]

bird photography


The Grey-headed Albatross, Thalassarche chrysostoma, also known as the Grey-headed Mollymawk, is a large seabird from the albatross family. It has a circumpolar distribution, nesting on isolated islands in the Southern Ocean and feeding at high latitudes, further south than any of the other mollymawks. Its name derives from its ashy grey head, throat, and upper neck.


Mollymawks are a type of Albatross that belong to Diomedeidae family and come from the Procellariiformes order, along with Shearwaters, Fulmars, Storm-petrels, and Diving-petrels. They share certain identifying features. First, they have nasal passages that attach to the upper bill called naricorns. Although the nostrils on the Albatross are on the sides of the bill. The bills of Procellariiformes are also unique in that they are split into between 7 and 9 horny plates. Finally, they produce a stomach oil made up of wax esters and triglycerides that is stored in the proventriculus. This is used against predators as well as an energy rich food source for chicks and for the adults during their long flights. They also have a salt gland that is situated above the nasal passage and helps desalinate their bodies, due to the high amount of ocean water that they imbibe. It excretes a high saline solution from their nose.


The meaning of the name chrysostoma is derived from two Greek words. Khrusos' means gold and stoma means the mouth, in reference to its golden bill.


The Grey-headed Albatross averages 81 cm (32 in) in length. It has a dark ashy-grey head, throat, and upper neck, and its upper wings, mantle, and tail, are almost black. It has a white rump, underparts, and a white crescent behind its eyes. It's bill is black with a bright yellow upper and lower ridges. It shades to pink-orange at the tip. Its underwings are white with a lot of black on the leading edge and less on the trailing edge. Juveniles have a black bill and head and its nape is darker. It's eye crescent is indistinct and its underwing is alomost completely dark.

Range and habitat

Grey-headed Albatrosses nest in colonies on several islands in the Southern Ocean, with large colonies on South Georgia in the South Atlantic, and smaller colonies on Islas Diego Ramírez, Kerguelen Islands, Crozet Islands, Marion Island, and Prince Edward Island in the Indian Ocean, Campbell Island and Macquarie Island south of New Zealand, and Chile. While breeding, they will forage for food within or south of the Antarctic Polar Frontal Zone. Birds that roost in the Marion Island area forage for food in the sub-tropical zone. Juveniles or non-breeding adults fly freely throughout all the southern oceans, north to 35°S.



At sea the Grey-headed Albatross is highly pelagic, more so than other mollymawks, feeding in the open oceans rather than over the continental shelves. They feed predominantly on squid, taking also some fish, crustacea, carrion, cephalapods, and lampreys. Krill is less important as a food source for this species, reflecting their more pelagic feeding range. They are capable of diving as deep as 7 m (23 ft) to chase prey, but do not do so frequently.


A single egg is laid in a large nest, typically built on steep slopes or cliffs with tussock grass, and incubated for 72 days. Studies in South Georgia's Bird Island have shown that the growing chick is fed 616 g (21.7 oz) of food every 1.2 days, with the chick increasing in weight to around 4,900 g (170 oz). Chicks then tend to lose weight before fledging, which happens after 141 days. Chick will generally not return to the colony for 6-7 years after fledging, and will not breed for the first time until several years after that. If a pair of has managed to successfully raise a chick it will not breed in the following year, taking the year off. During this time spent away from the colony they can cover great distances, often circling the globe several times.


The IUCN classifies this bird as vulnerable due to rapidly declining numbers.. It has an occurrence range of 79,000,000 km2 (31,000,000 sq mi) and a breeding range of 1,800 km2 (690 sq mi), with a population, estimated in 2004, of 250,000. Estimates have place 48,000 pair at South Georgia Island, 6,200 on Marion Island, 3,000 pair on Prince Edward Island, 7,800 pair on Campbell Island, 16,408 pairs in Chile, 84 pair on Macquarie Island, 5,940 on Crozet Island, and 7,905 on Kerguelen Islands

Populations have been shrinking based on different studies. Bird Island numbers have been reduced 20% to 30% in the last 30 years. Marion Island registered 1.75% reduction per year until 1992 and now appears to be stable. Campbell Island has seen reduction of 79% to 87% since the 1940s. Overall, the trends looks like a 30-40% reduction over 90 years (3 generations). Illegal or unregulated fishing in the Indian Ocean for the Patagonian toothfish, Dissostichus eleginoides resulted in 10 - 20,000 dead Albatrosses, mainly this species, in 1997 and 1998. Longline fishing is responsible for other deaths. Finally, possible food loss due to rising ocean temperatures may be affecting this species.

To assist this species, studies are being undertaken at most of the islands. Also, Prince Edward Island is a special nature preserve, and Campbell Island and Macquarie Island are World Heritage Sites.

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bird photography