Indonesia has more endemic birds than any other country. Indonesia's size, tropical climate, and archipelagic geography, support the world's second highest level of biodiversity (after Brazil).
Most endemic birds are in the Wallacea region of eastern Indonesia. Sulawesi supports twelve endemic bird genera. Of all Indonesian endemic birds, about sixty-one species are threatened: thirty-seven species are listed as Vulnerable, twenty-three are Endangered and eleven species are listed as Critical on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
Conservation StatusNE = Not Evaluated
NT = Near Threatened
CR = Critical
DD = Data Deficient
VU = Vulnerable
EW = Extinct in the Wild
LC = Least Concern
EN = Endangered
EX = Extinct
Aepypodius bruijnii Bruijn's Brush-turkey - VU
Talegalla cuvieri Red-billed Brush-turkey - LC
Macrocephalon maleo Maleo - EN
Eulipoa wallacei Moluccan Scrubfowl - VU
Megapodius bernsteinii Sula Scrubfowl - NT
Megapodius tenimberensis Tanimbar Scrubfowl - NE
Megapodius geelvinkianus Biak Scrubfowl - VU
Anurophasis monorthonyx Snow Mountain Quail - NT
Arborophila orientalis White-faced Hill-partridge - VU