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Database Search → "corvidae"

24 results found for "corvidae" : VIEW PHOTOS!    

nature photography
American Crow  [Corvus brachyrhynchos]
The American Crow, Corvus brachyrhynchos, is a large passerine bird species of the Corvidae family. It is a common bird found throughout much of North America. It is one of several species of corvid which are entirely black in color, though it can be dist... - Last revised: Oct 30, 2017
nature photography
Azure-winged Magpie  [Cyanopica cyanus]
The Azure-winged Magpie (Cyanopica cyana) is a bird in the crow family. It is 31-35 cm long and similar in overall shape to the European Magpie (Pica pica) but is more slender with proportionately smaller legs and bill. It has a glossy black top to the he... - Last revised: Oct 30, 2017
bird photography
Black-billed Magpie  [Pica hudsonia]
The Black-billed Magpie is a bird in the crow family that inhabits the western half of North America, from Central Western British Columbia to Southern Manitoba, Kansas, and Nevada. There is also a separate population in Southern Alaska. Externally, it is... - Last revised: Nov 04, 2022
bird photography
Blue Jay  [Cyanocitta cristata]
The Blue Jay (Cyanocitta cristata) is a passerine bird, and a member of the family Corvidae native to North America. It belongs to the "blue" or American jays, which are, among the Corvidae, not closely related to other jays. It is adaptable, aggressive a... - Last revised: May 12, 2018
nature photography
Carrion Crow  [Corvus corone]
Carrion Crow (rear) The Carrion Crow (Corvus corone) is a member of the passerine order of birds and the crow family which is native to western Europe and eastern Asia. Taxonomy The Carrion Crow was one of the many species originally described by Linnaeus... - Last revised: Oct 30, 2017
bird photography
Chihuahuan Raven  [Corvus cryptoleucus]
The Chihuahuan Raven (Corvus cryptoleucus), formerly known as the American White-necked Raven, has the proportions of a Common Raven with a heavy bill, but is about the same size as a Carrion Crow, or slightly larger (44-51 cm in length) than the American... - Last revised: Oct 30, 2017
nature photography
Clark's Nutcracker  [Nucifraga columbiana]
The Clark's Nutcracker (Nucifraga columbiana), is a large passerine bird, in the family Corvidae. It is slightly smaller than its Eurasian relative Spotted Nutcracker (N. caryocatactes). It is ashy-grey all over except for the black-and-white wings and ce... - Last revised: Oct 30, 2017
bird photography
Common Green Magpie  [Cissa chinensis]
The Common Green Magpie (Cissa chinensis) is a member of the crow family, roughly about the size of the Eurasian Jay or slightly smaller. It is a vivid green in colour (often fades to turquoise in captivity), slightly lighter on the underside and has a th... - Last revised: Oct 30, 2017
bird photography
Common Magpie  [Pica pica]
The European Magpie or Common Magpie (Pica pica) is a resident breeding bird throughout Europe, much of Asia, and northwest Africa. It is one of several birds in the crow family named as magpies, and belongs to the Holarctic radiation of "monochrome" magp... - Last revised: May 30, 2023
nature photography
Common Raven  [Corvus corax]
The Common Raven (Corvus corax), also known as the Northern Raven, is a large all-black passerine bird in the crow family. Found across the northern hemisphere, it is the most widely distributed of all corvids. There are eight known subspecies with little... - Last revised: Jan 29, 2019
bird photography
Eurasian Jackdaw  [Corvus monedula]
The Jackdaw (Corvus monedula), sometimes known as the Eurasian Jackdaw, European Jackdaw or caddow, is one of the smallest species (34"?39 cm in length) in the genus of crows and ravens. Description Most of the plumage is black or greyish black excep... - Last revised: May 30, 2023
nature photography
Gray Jay  [Perisoreus canadensis]
The Gray Jay, Perisoreus canadensis, is a member of the crow and jay family (Corvidae) found in the boreal forests across North America north to the tree-line and in subalpine forests of the Rocky Mountains south to New Mexico and Arizona. It is one of th... - Last revised: Oct 30, 2017
bird photography
Green Jay  [Cyanocorax yncas]
The Green Jay (Cyanocorax yncas) is a bird species of the New World jays, which exhibits distinct regional variations within its large but discontinuous range. This stretches from southern Texas south into Mexico and Central America, with a break before t... - Last revised: Oct 30, 2017
nature photography
Hooded Crow  [Corvus cornix]
The Hooded Crow (Corvus cornix) (sometimes called Hoodiecrow) is a Eurasian bird species in the crow genus. Widely distributed, it is also known locally as Scotch Crow, Danish Crow, and Grey Crow in Ireland, which is what its Welsh name, Brān Lwyd, transl... - Last revised: May 30, 2023
nature photography
Island Scrub-Jay  [Aphelocoma insularis]
The Island Scrub-jay (Aphelocoma insularis)[A]) or Island Jay is one of the species of Aphelocoma (scrub-jays) native to North America and is endemic to Santa Cruz Island off the coast of Southern California. It is closely related to the California Scrub-... - Last revised: Oct 30, 2017
bird photography
Large-billed Crow  [Corvus macrorhynchos]
The Jungle Crow (Corvus macrorhynchos), or Indian Corby, is a very widespread Asian species of crow. They are very adaptable and are able to survive on a wide range of food sources making them capable of colonizing new areas due to which they are often co... - Last revised: Oct 30, 2017
bird photography
Mexican Jay  [Aphelocoma wollweberi]
The Mexican Jay, Aphelocoma ultramarina, formerly known as the Gray-breasted Jay, is a New World scrub-jay native to the Sierra Madre Oriental, Sierra Madre Occidental, and Transvolcanic Belt of Mexico. It reaches north to southeast Arizona, southwest New... - Last revised: May 01, 2023
bird photography
Northwestern Crow  [Corvus caurinus]
The Northwestern Crow (Corvus caurinus) is an all-black passerine bird of the crow genus native to the northwest of North America. It is very similar to the more western forms of the widespread American Crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos) but it is slightly smal... - Last revised: Oct 30, 2017
nature photography
Pinyon Jay  [Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus]
The Pinyon Jay (Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus) is a jay between the North American Blue Jay and the Eurasian Jay in size. It is the only member of the genus Gymnorhinus, (monotypic). Its overall proportions are very Nutcracker-like and indeed this can be seen... - Last revised: Oct 30, 2017
bird photography
Racket-tailed Treepie  [Crypsirina temia]
The Black Racket-tailed Treepie (Crypsirina temia) is an Asian treepie, a member of the Corvidae (crow) family. It has a velvety-black forehead of short, plush black feathers with the rest of the bird being an oily green colour, though appearing black in... - Last revised: Oct 30, 2017
nature photography
Rook  [Corvus frugilegus]
Rook may refer to: Bird Rook (bird), a member of the passerine order of birds and the crow family Games Rook (chess), a piece in the board game of chess, often called a castle Rook's graph, a graph that represents all legal moves of the rook piece on a ch... - Last revised: Oct 30, 2017
nature photography
Steller's Jay  [Cyanocitta stelleri]
The Steller's Jay (Cyanocitta stelleri) is a jay native to western North America, closely related to the Blue Jay found in the rest of the continent, but with a black head and upper body. It is also known as the Long-crested Jay, the Mountain Jay, and the... - Last revised: Oct 30, 2017
nature photography
Western Scrub-Jay  [Aphelocoma californica]
The passerine birds of the genus Aphelocoma[A]) include the scrub-jays and relatives. They are New World jays found in Mexico, western Central America and the western United States, with an outlying population in Florida. This genus belongs to the group o... - Last revised: Oct 30, 2017
bird photography
Yellow-billed Magpie  [Pica nuttalli]
The Yellow-billed Magpie, Pica nuttalli, is a large bird in the crow family found only in California. It inhabits the Central Valley and the adjacent chaparral foothills and mountains. Apart from its having a yellow bill and a yellow streak around the eye... - Last revised: Oct 30, 2017
bird photography

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