Christopher Taylor Bird Nature Wildlife Mammal Photography
bird photography

Muntjac Barking Deer Image @
Location: Khao Yai National Park, Thailand
GPS: 14.4N, 101.4E, elev=2,539' MAP
Date: January 11, 2011
ID : 72CV4486 [3888 x 2592]

nature photography

Muntjac Barking Deer Image @
Location: Khao Yai National Park, Thailand
GPS: 14.4N, 101.4E, elev=2,539' MAP
Date: January 11, 2011
ID : B13K4476 [4896 x 3264]

bird photography


Giraffidae Okapia Okapi (O. johnstoni) Giraffa Giraffe (G. camelopardalis) Moschidae Moschus Himalayan Musk Deer (M. chrysogaster) · Siberian Musk Deer (M. moschiferus) · Dwarf Musk Deer (M. berezovskii) · Black Musk Deer (M. fuscus) Tragulidae Hyemoschus Water Chevrotain (H. aquaticus) Moschiola Indian Spotted Chevrotain (M. indica) · Yellow-striped Chevrotain (M. kathygre) · Sri Lankan Spotted Chevrotain (M. meminna) Tragulus Java Mouse-deer (T. javanicus) · Lesser Mouse-deer (T. kanchil) · Greater Mouse-deer (T. napu) · Philippine Mouse-deer (T. nigricans) · Vietnam Mouse-deer (T. versicolor) · Williamson's Mouse-deer (T. williamsoni) Cervidae Large family listed below Bovidae Large family listed below  Family Cervidae Muntiacinae Muntiacus Indian Muntjac (M. muntjak) · Reeves's Muntjac (M. reevesi) · Hairy-fronted Muntjac (M. crinifrons) · Fea's Muntjac (M. feae) · Bornean Yellow Muntjac (M. atherodes) · Roosevelt's muntjac (M. rooseveltorum) · Gongshan muntjac (M. gongshanensis) · Giant Muntjac (M. vuquangensis) · Truong Son Muntjac (M. truongsonensis) · Leaf muntjac (M. putaoensis) Elaphodus Tufted deer (E. cephalophus) Cervinae Cervus Red Deer (C. elaphus) · Elk (C. canadensis) · Thorold's deer (C. albirostris) · Sika Deer (C. nippon) · Barasingha (C. duvaucelii) · Eld's Deer (C. eldii) · Sambar Deer (C. unicolor) · Rusa Deer (C. timorensis) · Philippine Sambar (C. mariannus) · Philippine Spotted Deer (C. alfredi) Axis Chital (A. axis) · Hog deer (A. porcinus) · Calamian Deer (A. calamianensis) · Bawean Deer (A. kuhlii) Elaphurus Père David's Deer (E. davidianus) Dama Fallow Deer (D. dama) · Persian fallow deer (D. mesopotamica) Hydropotinae Hydropotes Water deer (H. inermis) Capreolinae Odocoileus White-tailed deer (O. virginianus) · Mule deer (O. hemionus) Blastocerus Marsh Deer (B. dichotomus) Ozotoceros Pampas deer (O. bezoarticus) Mazama Red Brocket (M. americana) · Small Red Brocket (M. bororo) · Merida Brocket (M. bricenii) · Dwarf Brocket (M. chunyi) · Gray Brocket (M. gouazoubira) · Pygmy Brocket (M. nana) · Amazonian Brown Brocket (M. nemorivaga) · Yucatan Brown Brocket (M. pandora) · Little Red Brocket (M. rufina) · Central American Red Brocket (M. temama) Pudu Northern Pudu (P. mephistophiles) · Pudú (P. pudu) Hippocamelus Taruca (H. antisensis) · South Andean Deer (H. bisulcus) Capreolus Roe Deer (C. capreolus) · Siberian Roe Deer (C. pygargus) Rangifer Reindeer (R. tarandus) Alces Moose (A. alces)  Family Bovidae Cephalophinae Cephalophus Abbott's Duiker (C. spadix) · Aders' Duiker (C. adersi) · Bay Duiker (C. dorsalis) · Black Duiker (C. niger) · Black-fronted Duiker (C. nigrifrons) · Blue Duiker (C. monticola) · Harvey's Duiker (C. harveyi) · Jentink's Duiker (C. jentinki) · Maxwell's Duiker (C. maxwellii) · Red Forest Duiker (C. natalensis) · Ogilby's Duiker (C. ogilbyi) · Peters's Duiker (C. callipygus) · Red-flanked Duiker (C. rufilatus) · Ruwenzori Duiker (C. rubidis) · Weyns's Duiker (C. weynsi) · White-bellied Duiker (C. leucogaster) · Yellow-backed Duiker (C. Sylvicultor) · Zebra Duiker (C. zebra) Sylvicapra Common Duiker (S. grimmia) Hippotraginae Hippotragus Roan Antelope (H. equinus) · Sable Antelope (H. niger) Oryx East African Oryx (O. beisa) · Scimitar Oryx (O. dammah) · Gemsbok (O. gazella) · Arabian Oryx (O. leucoryx) Addax Addax (A. nasomaculatus) Reduncinae Kobus Upemba Lechwe (K. anselli) · Waterbuck (K. ellipsiprymnus) · Kob (K. kob) · Lechwe (K. leche) · Nile Lechwe (K. megaceros) · Puku (K. vardonii) Redunca Southern Reedbuck (R. arundinum) · Mountain Reedbuck (R. fulvorufula) · Bohor Reedbuck (R. redunca) Aepycerotinae Aepyceros Impala (A. melampus) Peleinae Pelea Grey Rhebok (P. capreolus) Alcelaphinae Beatragus Hirola (B. hunteri) Damaliscus Korrigum (D. korrigum) · Common Tsessebe (D. lunatus) · Bontebok (D. pygargus) · Bangweulu Tsessebe (D. superstes) Alcelaphus Hartebeest (A. buselaphus) · Red Hartebeest (A. caama) · Lichtenstein's Hartebeest (A. lichtensteinii) Connochaetes Black Wildebeest (C. gnou) · Blue Wildebeest (C. taurinus) Pantholopinae Pantholops Tibetan antelope (P. hodgsonii) Caprinae Large subfamily listed below Bovinae Large subfamily listed below Antilopinae Large subfamily listed below  Family Bovidae (subfamily Caprinae) Ammotragus Barbary Sheep (A. lervia) Budorcas Takin (B. taxicolor) Capra Wild goat (C. aegagrus) · West Caucasian Tur (C. caucasia) · East Caucasian Tur (C. cylindricornis) · Markhor (C. falconeri) · Alpine Ibex (C. ibex) · Nubian Ibex (C. nubiana) · Spanish Ibex (C. pyrenaica) · Siberian Ibex (C. sibirica) · Walia Ibex (C. walie) Hemitragus Nilgiri Tahr (H. hylocrius) · Arabian Tahr (H. jayakari) · Himalayan Tahr (H. jemlahicus) Naemorhedus Red Goral (N. baileyi) · Japanese Serow (N. crispus) · Long-tailed Goral (N. caudatus) · Gray Goral (N. goral) · Mainland Serow (N. sumatraensis) · Taiwan Serow (N. swinhoei) Oreamnos Mountain goat (O. americanus) Ovibos Muskox (O. moschatus) Ovis Argali (O. ammon) · Domestic sheep (O. aries) · Bighorn Sheep (O. canadensis) · Dall Sheep (O. dalli) · Mouflon (O. musimon) · Snow sheep (O. nivicola) · Urial (O. orientalis) Pseudois Bharal (P. nayaur) · Dwarf Blue Sheep (P. schaeferi) Rupicapra Pyrenean Chamois (R. pyrenaica) · Chamois (R. rupicapra)  Family Bovidae (subfamily Bovinae) Boselaphini Tetracerus Four-horned Antelope (T. quadricornis) Boselaphus Nilgai (B. tragocamelus) Bovini Bubalus Water Buffalo (B. bubalus) · Lowland Anoa (B. depressicornis) · Mountain Anoa (B. quarlesi) · Tamaraw (B. mindorensis) Bos Banteng (B. javanicus) · Gaur (B. gaurus) · Yak (B. mutus) · Cattle (B. taurus) · Kouprey (B. sauveli) Pseudonovibos Kting Voar (P. spiralis) Pseudoryx Saola (P. nghetinhensis) Syncerus African Buffalo (S. caffer) Bison American Bison (B. bison) · Wisent (B. bonasus) Strepsicerotini Tragelaphus Sitatunga (T. spekeii) · Nyala (T. angasii) · Bushbuck (T. scriptus) · Mountain Nyala (T. buxtoni) · Lesser Kudu (T. imberbis) · Greater Kudu (T. strepsiceros) · Bongo (T. eurycerus) Taurotragus Common Eland (T. oryx) · Giant Eland (T. derbianus)  Family Bovidae (subfamily Antilopinae) Antilopini Ammodorcas Dibatag (A. clarkei) Antidorcas Springbok (A. marsupialis) Antilope Blackbuck (A. cervicapra) Gazella Mountain Gazelle (G. gazella) · Neumann's Gazelle (G. erlangeri) · Speke's Gazelle (G. spekei) · Dorcas Gazelle (G. dorcas) · Saudi Gazelle (G. saudiya) · Chinkara (G. bennettii) · Thomson's Gazelle (G. thomsonii) · Red-fronted Gazelle (G. rufifrons) · Dama Gazelle (G. dama) · Grant's Gazelle (G. granti) · Soemmerring's Gazelle (G. soemmerringii) · Cuvier's Gazelle (G. cuvieri) · Rhim Gazelle (G. leptoceros) · Goitered Gazelle (G. subgutturosa) Litocranius Gerenuk (L. walleri) Procapra Mongolian gazelle (P. gutturosa) · Goa (P. picticaudata) · Przewalski's Gazelle (P. przewalskii) Saigini Pantholops Tibetan antelope (P. hodgsonii) Saiga Saiga Antelope (S. tatarica) Neotragini Dorcatragus Beira (D. megalotis) Madoqua Günther's Dik-dik (M. guentheri) · Kirk's Dik-dik (M. kirkii) · Silver Dik-dik (M. piacentinii) · Salt's Dik-dik (M. saltiana) Neotragus Bates's Pygmy Antelope (N. batesi) · Suni (N. moschatus) · Royal Antelope (N. pygmaeus) Oreotragus Klipspringer (O. oreotragus) Ourebia Oribi (O. ourebi) Raphicerus Steenbok (R. campestris) · Cape Grysbok (R. melanotis) · Sharpe's Grysbok (R. sharpei)  Suborder Suina Suidae Babyrousa Buru Babirusa (B. babyrussa) · North Sulawesi Babirusa (B. celebensis) · Togian Babirusa (B. togeanensis) Hylochoerus Giant forest hog (H. meinertzhageni) Phacochoerus Desert Warthog (P. aethiopicus) · Warthog (P. africanus) Porcula Pygmy Hog (P. salvania) Potamochoerus Bushpig (P. larvatus) · Red River Hog (P. porcus) Sus Palawan Bearded Pig (S. ahoenobarbus) · Bearded Pig (S. barbatus) · Indo-chinese Warty Pig (S. bucculentus) · Visayan Warty Pig (S. cebifrons) · Celebes Warty Pig (S. celebensis) · Flores Warty Pig (S. heureni) · Oliver's Warty Pig (S. oliveri) · Philippine Warty Pig (S. philippensis) · Boar (S. scrofa) · Timor Warty Pig (S. timoriensis) · Javan Pig (S. verrucosus) Tayassuidae Tayassu White-lipped Peccary (T. pecari) Catagonus Chacoan Peccary (C. wagneri) Pecari Collared Peccary (P. tajacu) · Giant Peccary (P. maximus)  Suborder Tylopoda Camelidae Lama Llama (L. glama) · Guanaco (L. guanicoe) Vicugna Vicuña (V. vicugna) · Alpaca (V. pacos) Camelus Dromedary (C. dromedarius) · Bactrian Camel (C. bactrianus)  Cetartiodactyla (unranked clade, higher than Artiodactyla) Hippopotamidae Hippopotamus Hippopotamus (H. amphibius) Choeropsis Pygmy Hippopotamus (C. liberiensis)

bird photography
All images and video © Copyright 2006-2025 Christopher Taylor, Content and maps by their respective owner. All rights reserved.
bird photography