The Azure Jay (Cyanocorax caeruleus) (Brazilian Portuguese: Gralha-azul - Blue crow) is a passeriform bird of the crow family Corvidae, with body length of approximately 40cm, its blue colouration is intense with black feathers on the head, on the front part of the neck, and on the upper chest. Males and females have the same plumage and appearance although the females are typically smaller.
Although, it is common to say that its habitat is the Araucaria angustifolia forests in the south of Brazil, where the bird finds the pine nuts (seeds of the Araucaria) for its feeding, it does not have strict dependence of this forest, since the birds feed also on insects and fruit. Their distribution extends from the south of the state of Rio de Janeiro down to the State of Rio Grande do Sul, being concentrated in the Atlantic forest. It is the state bird of Paraná.
Azure Jays are very intelligent only supplanted by the parrots. Their communication is complex, consisting of at least 14 vocalizations (cries) very distinct and significant. They form groups of 4 to 15 individuals well organized in hierarchies, with division in clans. These groups remain stable for even to two generations.
See also